Abrupt posts are the way to go.
Sunday, September 30, 2012 @2:32 PM
since recently I had a couple of anxiety attacks, I thought it would be good to pen down my thoughts (since no one actually read this anymore).
So my dad recently passed away, and I would call it... I have no idea.
But I have decided... it's really awesome when someone asks about it.
Recently someone told me she dared not ask me about my dad but I could tell she was concern about me.
(at this point I would like to point out some people are great friends when they are not living with you)
But when you ask or at least hugged about it, in a way it shows that you care. And I think if ever I know someone's parents passed away I would offer my deepest condolences, because it is really appreciated no mater how little words are said.
I guess it's Chinese culture, or the lack of upbringing or it being 'touchy' to say something like that.
although I get all awkward about it, I still appreciate their kind condolences.
Some days I can't believe my dad is gone. Whether looking at keychains where it simply says 'best dad' it hits me that he's no longer there. No one to tease me about running just one round around the neighborhood or laugh at plumpish people eating 4 moon cakes.
i guess we learn how to cope by doing every day things... and sometimes just... forget.
@2:21 PM
sometimes I hate f-ing world... because most people are so self-centered and self-absorbed.
(occasionally myself as well)
Then I remembered the ones who aren't.
And I love them more than ever.